Hobbies and Collection

Seek Out Your RPG Fans Collection Here!

Purpose of this Blog

Posted by agumonfever on April 23, 2008

I created this Blog mainly for completing my task given by my lecturer, Mr. Rofiq (E-Commerce). Emm, i sell action figure made of clay, RPGs Poster and many more. you can buy it via this blog, just look out first okey. i have a lot of collection including Final Fantasy, Tales series, Grandia and many more. But not only that, as you can see this “thing” has quite good feature inside. like information about KOKIA and her song’s lyric. Hey, who’s Kokia? since I have brave heart and very kind person ^_^!, I will explain a bit about her. She is my favorite singer from Japan. Kokia has a melodious voice which can drive my heart out to the sky above my house. hehe. More information you can go to Kokia Biography. Last but not least, I provide you with information about an RPG and of course you also can ask question based on the game you like.

2 Responses to “Purpose of this Blog”

  1. ochaoke said

    Temenqu agung yang baik blog kamu sangat bagus. Makasih ya… atas bantuannya. Jangan pernah kapok. Okey

  2. agumonfever said

    Iya, makasih juga dah mau comment di blog yang masih dalam tahap pembangunan ini. 🙂

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